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Long ago, six-year-old me crafted epic tales like how the dark, brooding crime fighter Batman reluctantly joined with the wild, pizza-loving ninja turtle Michelangelo to defeat the menacing Darth Vader. These tales were told with nothing more than a few action figures, milk cartons and a heavy dose of pure imagination.

Today, I bring those ideas into my content creation. Whether it’s in social media engagement, blogs, marketing campaigns or communication pieces, I give fun and professional writing to which people can relate. I love to write and brainstorm, because there is no limitation when creating something living from a blank page.

Created and maintained content for the Movin’ On Up job seeker blog that averaged more than 7,000 unique visits a week. Increased content creation by more than 30 percent and increased blog comments by more than 50 percent. Compiled monthly job seeker newsletters that were delivered to more than 300,000 people. Increased open rates by more than 15 percent since 2011. Newsletter received the Women in Communication 2012 Clarion Award. Generated franchise sales newsletters to brokers that averaged 30 percent open rates

2011 - 2013​
Marketing and  communications coordinator - Express

My Resume


“"He speaks softly and carries big ideas; Jared will go far." 


- Theadore Rosevelt... If he were alive today...


Increased community awareness to help the Sapulpa Freemasons gain 10 new members and receive positive membership growth for the first time in more than a decade. Wrote press releases for the Oklahoma State University Formula Racing Team to pitch to several publications, which earned more than $7,500. Helped define goals, objectives and strategies for various nonprofit and business organizations like Skyrocket. Served as coordinator or leader for special events for organizations like Sustainable Tulsa. Condensed and simplified corporate or technical jargon for easier access for press, volunteers and employees for companies like Wal-Mart.

Freelancer - JaredLee Public Relations

Communicated information to advertisers, subscribers and contest winners for a publication with an approximate circulation of 20,000 monthly and a readership of 600,000 annually.  Created an electronic, easily-accessible database of advertisers and potential clients that increased the sales department’s productivity and proficiency. Wrote various articles and expanded the 2009 relocation guide with three additional cities.

Intern - TulsaKids Magazine

Manages communications to Langston University employees on behalf of the Human Resources Department to include website and social media content and design, newsletters, and collateral materials. In charge of creating University health program, redesigning the new employee orientation program, and managing the HR office.

2014 - Present​
Employee communications specialist - Langston University

Degree: B.A.                    Major: journalism and broadcasting/PR                                Minor: English


Activities: Public Relations Student Society of America

Oklahoma State University

Degree: A.A.      


Major: liberal arts

Tulsa Community College
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